April 7, 2022


Caravana de la școală la muncă

From School to Work Caravan

Fifty-eight people participated in the Caravan "Transition from school to work, dissemination of good practices for the work inclusion of people with disabilities,” organized in the North of the Republic of Moldova. Participants at the event included employers, people with disabilities, career guidance centers, employment agencies, local decision makers, and CSOs.
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„O să revenim!” – la Palanca funcționează un cort pentru mamele și copiii refugiați

“We will return!” Keystone Moldova operates a tent at Palanca for refugee mothers and children

Mothers and grandmothers who cross the Palanca customs with their children are exhausted. After many hours of traveling, cold and hunger, they can't wait to get to a warm shelter and eat something warm. Many do not even have essential things for children or babies.
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