Support Projects for Refugees

Hotline and mobile team support for refugee communities in Moldova

January – December 2024

Funded by: The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

The main objectives of the project are to ensure refugee communities with equitable access to informational and healthcare services, and to strengthen key staff and local actors with knowledge and skills to build inclusive and protective communities.

Disability Inclusive Emergency Support Project for Refugees and Host Communities, Moldova

July 2023 – April 2024

Donors: World Vision Organization, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MOFA)

The aim of the project is to provide support to refugees from Ukraine according to their needs and to provide support to families hosting refugees in the municipality of Chisinau.

Open Arms, Open Hearts, Emergency response to Ukraine crisis-3

August 1, 2023 – January 31, 2024

Donors: CARE through SERA Romania Foundation, CARE France and FONPC

Project goal is to address the individual needs of Ukrainian refugees by providing immediate basic assistance, and to provide support to local vulnerable people from the Republic of Moldova.

Open Arms, Open Hearts, Emergency response to Ukraine crisis II

April 1 – July 31, 2023

Donors: CARE through SERA Romania Foundation, CARE France and FONPC

The project goal is to address the individual needs of Ukrainian refugees by providing immediate basic assistance, provision of support to families that host refugees and to local vulnerbale groups from Northern region, Central ergion, Southern region and Chișinău municipality.

Emergency Mobile Team South

December 2022 – August 2023

Donors: Mercy Corps Global

The main objective of the project is to establish and run a mobile team in the Southern region and operating in the adjacent rayons, including ATU Gagauzia. The project will contribute to decent life conditions for Ukrainian refugees, local host families, and vulnerable groups through the support to cover basic short-term needs.

Development of protection mechanisms in urban and rural areas in the Republic of Moldova

November 2022 – April 2023 

Donors: Association for Aid and Relief Japan

Project aims to provide access to basic needs and healthcare support for Ukrainian refugees from vulnerable groups as well as to vulnerable Moldovan host families, both located in the Northern Region of the country.

Open Arms, Open Hearts, Emergency response to Ukraine crisis

June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 

Donors: CARE through SERA Romania Foundation, CARE France and FONPC

Project goal is to address the individual needs of Ukrainian refugees by providing immediate basic assistance and provision of support to families that host refugees. The project will be focused on three districts: Causeni, Criuleni, and Balti municipality.

Emergency early childhood development action to support young children at risk or with developmental difficulties affected by Ukraine war. Regional multi-country initiative

October 2022 – January 2024

Donors: EASPD through UNICEF funds

Project aims to take action in the field of emergency early childhood development to support young children at risk or with developmental difficulties affected by Ukraine war.

Open Arms, Open Hearts – Emergency response to Ukraine crisis, Mobile team Tudora

July 2022 – June 2023

Donors: Fondation de France

Project goal is to provide support to refugees from Ukraine and to host families from the Tudora commune, rayon Stefan Voda (which is close to the border with Ukraine), based on their needs.

Mobile team that offers emergency support to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova
Hotline support for persons with disabilities (extended to refugees from Ukraine).

March 2022 – February 2023

Donors: Keystone Human Services, Catholic Relief Services, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, East Europe Foundation through the funds of Oak Foundation, Mutualité Française, Girona Support – Fundació Tutelar de les Comarques Gironines.

Project goal is to provide a 24/7 hotline service for refugees with disabilities and their family members, elderly people, and people from vulnerable groups. The hotline service is complemented by a mobile team focused on providing direct support to refugees with disabilities and chronic diseases throughout the country.

“Support for Ukrainian Refugees in the Mother and Child Tent in Palanca”

March 2022 – August 2022


The project’s goal is to restore and maintain the resilience and wellbeing of refugees from Ukraine crossing at Palanca, by providing them with essential items and equipment, and psychological first aid.

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