
Strengthening the capacities of public authorities, CSOs, services staff and persons with disabilities

Strengthening the capacities of public authorities, CSOs, services staff and persons with disabilities


Keystone Moldova is increasing the capacities of representatives of central and local public authorities, non-governmental organizations, service providers, people with disabilities and their families and Keystone Moldova staff in accordance with the training needs for ensuring the social inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Training areas:

  • Social Role Valorization;
  • Person-centered Planning;
  • Case Management;
  • Strategic planning of community services based on needs assessment;
  • Participatory and performance-based budgeting of social services;
  • Design and provision of temporary placement services for people with disabilities: Community Home, Supported Living, Foster Care, Shared Living etc.;
  • Design and provision of support services for people with disabilities: Mobile Team, Respite, Personal Assistant etc.;
  • Positive behaviors support for people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities according to their needs;
  • Quality assurance of community based services for people with disabilities. Monitoring and evaluation;
  • Inclusive education for children with intellectual disabilities in kindergartens and schools: preparing the family, school, community environment. Designing inclusive education support services based on needs;
  • Legal framework for promoting and ensuring the social inclusion of people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities;
  • New communication strategies to promote social inclusion of people with disabilities: Forum Theater, self-filming, Storytelling, Photo Voice;
  • Self-advocacy and advocacy strategies for promoting inclusive disability policies and practices;
  • Other trainings, according to the needs of the target groups.

The provision of trainings includes the following actions:

  • Assessment of training needs;
  • Developing training plans according to identified needs;
  • Developing training curricula;
  • Developing materials for training courses;
  • Organizing training;
  • Evaluation of the performed training.