
Emergency early childhood development action to support young children at risk or with developmental difficulties affected by Ukraine war. Regional multi-country initiative

Emergency early childhood development action to support young children at risk or with developmental difficulties affected by Ukraine war. Regional multi-country initiative

The project is implemented in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Moldova.

October 2022 – January 2024

Budget: 247,300 Euro

Donors: EASPD through UNICEF funds

Beneficiaries: Refugee families, 66 paraspecialists, 104 trained parents, 3 trained trainers

Project goal: To take action in the field of emergency early childhood development to support young children at risk or with developmental difficulties affected by Ukraine war.

Specific objectives:

  • To support young children at risk and with developmental difficulties from Ukraine and their parents through the provision of direct emergency ECD support services;
  • To strengthen national systems in border countries to better respond to the needs of young children at risk and with developmental difficulties, including with disabilities and their parents;
  • To build awareness around the main problems identified regarding ECI at both national and EU levels.

Main activities:

  • Training 66 family consultants around ECI practices and human rights principles, in view of them providing childhood development support and advice to families with children with disabilities, developmental or behavior challenges or at risk of developmental difficulties, displaced due to Ukraine war;
  • Training 104 parents who have fled Ukraine or are misplaced in Ukraine on ECD, ECI and human rights values;
  • Developing National Plans for building up capacity of social sectors with concrete measures in order for them to be able to deliver ECI and other services to children with disabilities, developmental or behavior challenges or at risk of developmental difficulties, displaced due to the Ukraine war.
  • Building awareness around the main problems identified around ECI at both national and EU levels.
  • Identifying key solutions and practices for policy makers to solve problems identified at national and EU level.
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