
A performance that helps us to change the reality

An unprecedented theatre performance took place at the boarding school of Popencu village, Ribnita rayon on Sunday, March 16. It was a forum theater (method of social theater), where the public had the final say and could intervene in the action and change it.

The performance is an activity organized within the project Prevention of Stigma and Discrimination of persons with disabilities in schools on both banks of the Nistru River, implemented by Keystone Moldova, in partnership with Interaction”organization.

The subject of the performance was the prevention of discrimination of children with disabilities in school environment. 18 volunteers from both banks of the Nistru River participated in its development and also played roles. One has to mention that volunteers made the performance in Romanian and Russian.

According to the Forum Theatre method, developed by Augusto Boal, a social issue – discrimination – was presented on the scene and the audience was asked to propose solutions. Children were very active, eager to step on the stage and defend people with disability. “They are also people like us. We have the same rights” – this was the children’s conclusion after a forum theater performance of almost two hours.

The Forum Theatre performance was one of the first activities organized within the project Prevention of Stigma and Discrimination of persons with disabilities in schools on both banks of the Nistru River, aimed at reducing discriminatory attitude towards people with disabilities at school and community level and increasing people’s accountability in situations of oppression in their area of living.

10 social theatre performances and socializing activities between pupils and students from both banks of the Nistru River are set out within the project. Through these activities, the project will not only raise awareness and cause citizens to take action towards the needs and concerns of their peers, but it will also increase the level of trust between the citizens on the both banks of the Nistru River.

The project Prevention of Stigma and Discrimination of persons with disabilities in schools on both banks of the Nistru River is conducted with the assistance of the Support to Confidence Building Measures Program, funded by the European Union, co-funded and implemented by the United Nations Program for Development, which aims to promote trust between the both banks of the Nistru River by involving local authorities, civil society, business community and other stakeholders in economic and social development of local communities.