“I like that I am employed. I really like that I work, that I have a salary … I am proud of my job. My colleagues respect me.” – an employed person with disabilities.
This week, the Caravan “From school to work” arrived in the southern region of the Republic of Moldova. Seventy-two people participated in the event: parents, people with disabilities, employers, representatives of the Psychopedagogical Assistance Services, of the Employment Agencies, of the CSOs, etc.
In the Republic of Moldova, less than 5% of people with disabilities are employed. The purpose of this event was to spread good practices and lessons learned in the field of inclusion and in the field of employment of people with disabilities, but also to strengthen the efforts of the intersectoral mechanism in the same field.
“There is a need for a closer interconnection between the key elements that can help a child with disabilities to grow and be integrated in the workforce. The child must be supported by all – to grow, to develop their abilities, skills, aspirations, so as to become a member with equal rights of the community” – specialist, Psychopedagogical Assistance Service. Representatives of the Psychopedagogical Assistance Services and of the educational institutions discussed the progress and challenges of the school inclusion path for preparing children with disabilities for professional life, but also the practices regarding the inclusion of students with special educational needs, including with disabilities, in technical vocational education.
“Every person has a certain potential. This potential must be valued so that the person becomes financially independent”- specialist, Employment Agency. Representatives of the Employment Agencies discussed the existing career counseling and guidance services and the successes and difficulties in providing them. At the same time, they mentioned employment support services for people with disabilities.
“When we want to hire someone, communication is key. I am talking about communicating with the employer, but also about communicating with the person with disabilities. Because sometimes a problem can appear, and this problem must be detected and solved”– representative, Social Assistance Department. Social services developed in the community are an opportunity for social inclusion, but also for work inclusion of people with disabilities. Participants shared their good practices of inclusion, the process of guiding a person with disabilities, communication with the employer, and identification of a suitable profession.
“We are all part of the community. Every person deserves to enjoy their right to live in the community, to be employed, to have a job and a salary”– representative, CSO. Civil society can and must promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in employment. The CSOs present at the event shared their experience and practices of employment and career guidance of people with disabilities.
The activity took place within the Project “Cross-border partnership for inclusive career guidance” (2SOFT / 1.1 / 145), implemented by Keystone Moldova in partnership with “Close to You” Romania Foundation, financed by European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania–Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, through European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI).
For more information about the Project, please see: https://www.keystonemoldova.md/en/projects/cross-border-parternship-inclusive-career-guidance/