
Involvement of teachers and students in the process of career guidance of people with disabilities


Involvement of teachers and students in the process of career guidance of people with disabilities

In October, Keystone Moldova organized five trainings on the career guidance of people with disabilities, for teachers and students from State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă”.

  • We want to promote the culture of inclusion in the Republic of Moldova. It’s important for a person with disabilities to be included in an educational institution.

At the “Training of trainers in career counseling and guidance”, 20 professionals who will ensure the continuous training of teachers approached the topics: communication methods and techniques with people with disabilities depending on the type of disability; career counseling and guidance services; delivery methods and assessment / self-assessment methods. Subsequently, they will train future teachers from career counseling and guidance services, inclusive education services and school psychologists.

  • In the educational and social inclusion of the child with disabilities, the collaboration between teachers – parents – psychologist is very important. If everyone works in the same direction, things will change.”

78 teachers from general education, school psychologists and specialists from the Psychopedagogical Assistance Services discussed the importance of career guidance and its challenges in the Republic of Moldova. The topics covered included: career guidance in formal education; intersectoral collaborations in the process of career guidance; the role of parents, friends, and social environment in career choice.

  • We hope to be able to change something for the better and to help people with disabilities find a place in society.”

65 students, future social workers, learned about the legal provisions in the field of counseling and career guidance for people with disabilities, aspects of professional self-determination, organization and operation of career guidance services.

The trainings were organized in collaboration with State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă”. The activities are organized within the Project “Cross-border partnership for inclusive career guidance” (2SOFT / 1.1 / 145), implemented by Keystone Moldova in partnership with “Close to You” Romania Foundation, financed by European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania–Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, through the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI).

For more information about the Project, please see the Cross-border Partnership for Inclusive Career Guidance.
