
Mediating the access of people with disabilities to the labor market


Mediating the access of people with disabilities to the labor market

“We should continue to work on establishing a dialogue with people with disabilities and employers. We need to encourage persons with disabilities, to realize that they can work; we also need to motivate employers to hire people with disabilities.”

“We tried to help a person with disabilities to get employed: we informed her about the employment possibilities, talked with businesses, and with other potential employers. But you cannot force a business to hire a person with disabilities.”

“Lately we notice that people with disabilities are eager to get hired. They are more available and more open to be employed than people without disabilities.”

“Employers do not want to hire people with disabilities because they think they will have problems.”

During September 45 specialists from National Employment Agency from Republic of Moldova, including territorial subdivisions, participated in the training: “Mediating the access of persons with disabilities to the labor market.” The training addressed conceptual and political aspects, methods, and tools of supporting people with disabilities to access the labor market.

Participants particularly focused on communication, discussing the importance of making communication accessible, as well as the role of vocational counselors in facilitating communication between the person with disabilities and the employer. Participants also learned about reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities in the employment process.

Specialists highlighted the strengths of the services offered by Employment Agencies from Republic of Moldova:

  • “They provide up-to-date information on the latest changes, available jobs”;
  • “They provide individual consultations”;
  • “They offer opportunities for courses, internships, jobs”;
  • “They motivate people”;
  • “They help with personal promotion: drafting your CV, interviewing…”

The training lasted three days and was organized twice, for two different groups. The activities are organized within the project “Cross-border partnership for inclusive career guidance” (2SOFT / 1.1 / 145), implemented by Keystone Moldova in partnership with “Close to You” Romania Foundation, financed by European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania–Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, through the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI).

For more information about the Project, please see:     
