
Minimum quality standards for the career guidance services provided by the National Employment Agency in Moldova


Minimum quality standards for the career guidance services provided by the National Employment Agency in Moldova

Keystone Moldova provided technical support for the elaboration of minimum quality standards for the career guidance services provided by the National Employment Agency in Moldova. The career guidance services will offer support for people with disabilities in our country to be included in the work force.

The document has been approved by National Employment Agency and contains standards on people’s access to career guidance services, organization and delivery of services, results of services provided. The information about career guidance services will be accessible, including for people with intellectual disabilities, and the videos will be accompanied by sign language. The career guidance services will also be accessible without discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, beliefs, sex, age, disability, opinion, political affiliation, wealth, social origin, or any other criteria.

The National Employment Agency will provide career guidance services, which include four types of activities: information on professions and the specifics of the labor market; self-knowledge; consultancy in the development of personal marketing tools; career decision consulting. The activities will be provided through three methods: individual consultation, group consultation, and career guidance seminars.

The activity took place within the Project “Cross-border partnership for inclusive career guidance” (2SOFT / 1.1 / 145), implemented by Keystone Moldova in partnership with “Close to You” Romania Foundation, financed by European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania–Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, through the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI).

For more information about the Project, please see:
