

Caravana de la școală la muncă

From School to Work Caravan

Fifty-eight people participated in the Caravan "Transition from school to work, dissemination of good practices for the work inclusion of people with disabilities,” organized in the North of the Republic of Moldova. Participants at the event included employers, people with disabilities, career guidance centers, employment agencies, local decision makers, and CSOs.
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„O să revenim!” – la Palanca funcționează un cort pentru mamele și copiii refugiați

“We will return!” Keystone Moldova operates a tent at Palanca for refugee mothers and children

Mothers and grandmothers who cross the Palanca customs with their children are exhausted. After many hours of traveling, cold and hunger, they can't wait to get to a warm shelter and eat something warm. Many do not even have essential things for children or babies.
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Memorandum of collaboration between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and civil society on improving social canteen services

On March 3, 2022, a Memorandum of collaboration was signed between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter MLSP), Keystone Moldova, Diaconia, and Concordia in order to improve the normative framework that regulates the activity of social canteen services.
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Memorandum Ministry Environment

Memorandum of collaboration between the Ministry of Environment and civil society to prevent food waste

Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova, Keystone Moldova, Diaconia, and Concordia have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation aimed at updating and strengthening the legal framework in the field of prevention of food loss and waste.
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“People with disabilities can and are willing to work, and we need to help them get employed”

Three hundred ninety-one people have participated in trainings on career guidance and labor mediation for people with disabilities, organized by Keystone Moldova in Fall 2021. In February 2022 as part of the “Cross-border partnership for inclusive career guidance” project, Keystone Moldova’s team traveled to 33 districts and 2 municipalities to provide participants with materials to...
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Policies and Practices of Career Guidance for Young People with Disabilities in the Republic of Moldova

Most young people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova (94%) would benefit from career guidance activities to increase their chances of employment and a career, according to the sociological study, “Policies and Practices of Career Guidance for Young People with Disabilities in the Republic of Moldova.”
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Career guidance and counseling for people with disabilities—a real perspective on both banks of the Prut River

Career guidance and counseling for young people with disabilities in Moldova and Romania has become a clearer and more feasible process, due to the training of professionals in this field and to the preparation of the school and family environment. During 2021, 637 people from both banks of the Prut River—students, teachers, professionals and parents—were...
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Collaboration – the most important element in the career guidance process for people with disabilities

Twenty-four students and 69 teachers participated in three trainings on career guidance for people with disabilities in November, organized by Keystone Moldova. Students from years II and III from the Faculty of Psychology and Special Psychopedagogy, within the State Pedagogical University "Ion Creanga," learned more about school inclusion, the development of independent living skills, and...
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Keystone Moldova Has Started Monitoring Repatriation Funds

Keystone Moldova has started the process of monitoring the expenditure of funds returned to Moldova by order of the courts of the United Kingdom. According to the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the United Kingdom, the total amount (worth 458,068 pounds) originally confiscated by...
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Involvement of teachers and students in the process of career guidance of people with disabilities

In October, Keystone Moldova organized five trainings on the career guidance of people with disabilities, for teachers and students from State Pedagogical University "Ion Creangă".
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