
The educational path for children with intellectual and sensory disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders

The educational path for children with intellectual and sensory disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders

Sociological StudyKeystone Moldova conducted the Sociological Study „The educational path for children with intellectual and sensory disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders.” The study analyzes the educational path for children with severe disabilities in early education institutions, general education, and technical vocational and proposes practical recommendations for the package of integrated support services.

Study results and relevant recommendations to improve access to education for children with severe disabilities were presented during a working meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Research. The results of the research were also presented at the enlarged meeting of the National Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This meeting, together with the members of the National Council, was attended by representatives of the line ministries, of the Parliamentary Commissions for Social Protection, Health and Family and Education, and parents of children with disabilities.

Ministry of Education and ResearchThe recommendations emphasize the following priorities in the educational inclusion of children with severe disabilities:

  • Specific training for teachers and support staff, focusing on addressing rights and social role valorization;
  • Accessibility of educational institutions in terms of infrastructure, assistive technologies, adapted teaching materials;
  • Personal assistance for children / young people, primarily to access educational services without barriers;
  • Providing assistive devices and technologies for auditory-verbal recovery;
  • Providing support services, focused on multidisciplinary cooperation (medical, social and educational);
  • Re-conceptualization of the services offered by the Psychopedagogical Assistance Services.

Based on the results of the study, standard packages of inclusive educational support services for children and young people with disabilities included in pre-school, school, and technical vocational education institutions will be developed later.

The study was developed within the project “Support services for educational inclusion of children with disabilities,” implemented by Keystone Moldova and funded by Soros Moldova Foundation.