
To achieve inclusion, it is not enough to say: “I want!” or “You must!”


To achieve inclusion, it is not enough to say: "I want!" or "You must!"

Man paintingThe Caravan “Transition from school to work, dissemination of good practices for the work inclusion of people with disabilities” took place in the Central region of the Republic of Moldova. Eighty-one people participated in the event: representatives of Republican Center for Psychopedagogical Assistance, of the Psychopedagogical Assistance Services, of the Employment Agencies, CSOs, parents, people with disabilities, employers, etc.

Participants shared good practices and lessons learned in the field of work inclusion of people with disabilities; in preparing children with disabilities for professional life; in the inclusion of people with disabilities in technical vocational education.

“My child is in seventh grade. There are no career guidance activities in my child’s school. We are aware that in two years we will have to decide what to do next. What can I do as a parent? What are the steps to follow so that my child can later get employed or continue his studies?” asked a parent of a child with disability. During the event, parents and people with disabilities found concrete examples of work inclusion, and learned about career counseling and guidance services, employment support services, and community social services useful for people with disabilities.

CaravanaYoung people with disabilities spoke about their role in increasing opportunities for inclusion in employment: “Success lies in learning to ask for help. We also need to have a purpose; if we want, solutions may be found. To achieve the inclusion of people with disabilities, it is not enough to say, “I want to!” or “You must!”. People with disabilities should stop victimizing themselves. Employers should not be afraid to hire people with disabilities. And society must learn that people with disabilities exist.”

At the end of the event, the parents stated that they understood the possibilities that their children have in getting a job or continuing their studies: “We will certainly put into practice what we have learned today!”

The activity took place within the Project “Cross-border partnership for inclusive career guidance” (2SOFT / 1.1 / 145), implemented by Keystone Moldova in partnership with “Close to You” Romania Foundation, financed by European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania–Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, through European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI).

For more information about the Project, please see:
