
Philanthropy and culture of giving in Georgia and Moldova

Philanthropy and culture of giving in Georgia and Moldova

June 2021 – October 2021 

Amount granted:
4. 400 EUR
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Representative Office to Georgia

Project goal:

To examine philanthropy and culture of giving in Georgia and Moldova among wide public and representatives of CSOs. 

Research will be conducted through two online surveys: one survey addressed to the general population and the second survey will be addressed to the Civil Society Organizations.

The data will be collected in Moldova and Georgia using a unified survey. The analyzed data, the findings and recommendations will be integrated in a report on the philanthropy culture and perspectives in these two countries. This valuable conclusions and database will be presented at the international online conference to the donors, partners, CSOs, civil activists, media etc.

Expected results:

  1. Philanthropy attitudes studied and compared in Georgia and Moldova;
  2. Main constraints and opportunities identified and a joint report published;
  3. Lessons learned, and recommendations formulated, that could be used internationally;
  4. The results of the study could be transformed into learning materials for local CSOs and trainings for civil activists, and can later be structured into more academic educational modules;
  5. Donors have a better picture of local crowdfunding opportunities and focus on international investment;
  6. An international conference organized to present research results.