

Local Partnerships for energy efficiency in social services

April 2024 – November 2026

Funded by European Union, co-financed and implemented by Soros Moldova Foundation, Keystone Moldova and the Public Association „Fondul de Inovatii Sociale din Moldova”

The Overall objective of the Action is to enable local civil society organizations to engage as actors of development of energy efficient communities in Moldova.

Identifying and piloting effective models of social inclusion of people with severe mental health challenges

June 2023 – January 2024 

Funded by Private Institution ”TRIMBOS Moldova”

The goal of the project is the comprehensive evaluation of the situation of people with mental health challenges who are placed in psychiatric hospitals and the development of individual programs/plans for psychosocial support, on the basis of which alternative placement and social inclusion solutions to hospitalization will be established/identified.

Program support for Keystone Moldova

January 2022 – December 2023 

Funded by IM Swedish Development Partner

The project focuses on three strategic objectives of organization:  ensuring Keystone Moldova financial autonomy; improve the organization’s management and governance; promoting the community living and social inclusion for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups at local and national level.

Promoting CSOs as partners in building resilient social services

February 2023 – January 2026 

Funded by European Union, co-funded by Keystone Moldova, Foundation „Stichting Dorcas Aid International”, Association for Education „Neoumanist”

The global objective of the grant competition program is to support local civil society organizations in delivering inclusive, age and gender appropriate social services to vulnerable people in Moldova.

Community dialogue to decrease the phenomenon of bullying

August 2022 – December 2022 

Funded by Liechtenstein Development Service, The Alliance of Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Protection

The project aims to empower young people, children, parents, and teachers to decrease the phenomenon of bullying, by supporting them to find solutions that work in their community.

Support services for educational inclusion of children with disabilities – 2

April 2022 – March 2023

Funded by: Soros Moldova Foundation 

The project’s goal is to reform the system of educational support services for children and young people with disabilities from the Republic of Moldova.

Harnessing CSOs’ potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in Moldova

January 2022 – December 2024

Funded by: European Union, Sweden

The project aims to empower Moldovan CSOs to create social enterprises, which will contribute to the sustainable economic growth of communities.

Partnerships for Inclusive and Resilient Social Canteen Services

January 2022 – December 2024

Funded by: European Union co-funded by Keystone Moldova, the Public Association “Concordia. Proiecte Sociale”, and the Religious Institution Social Mission “Diaconia”

The project aims to improve the quality of social canteen services in the Republic of Moldova in order to ensure their sustainability and to increase access to the services for people from vulnerable groups.

Philanthropy and culture of giving in Georgia and Moldova

June 2021 – October 2021

Funded by: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Representative Office to Georgia

The Project aims to examine philanthropy and culture of giving in Georgia and Moldova among wide public and representatives of CSOs.

Equitable access to health services for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the context of COVID-19

December 2020 – December 2021

Funded by: Soros Moldova Foundation

The project aims to promote equitable access to essential health services for people with disabilities, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, people at high risk of HIV infection and those in need of palliative care, in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic.

Civil Society Organizations Acting for Better Social Services

April 2021 – March 2024  

Funded by: European Union, co-funded by Soros Moldova Foundation

The Project aims to empower civil society organizations from the social field to become strong pillars in social policy dialogue and inclusive community building for vulnerable groups.

Cross-border partnership for inclusive career guidance

October 2020 – April 2022  

Funded by European Union through the Joint Operational Programme Romania–Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 

The goal of the Project is to give better access to labor markets to Moldovan and Romanian youth with disabilities from Iasi/ Romania and Republic of Moldova, due to developed / strengthened capacities of 470 relevant actors in the field of education and employment in providing quality and inclusive career guidance services.

Digitization of services for people with disabilities to ensure access to health and social services for people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities during the pandemic

September 2020 – August 2021

Funded by: European Union

Implementing Organization: People in Need Moldova

The goal of the project is to increase access to health and social services for adults with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The project has two objectives: adaptation of 19 social services to the new conditions related to the pandemic situation in order to provide quality services for people with disabilities, according to their needs; increasing the resilience of employees, supervisors, families of people with disabilities and beneficiaries of 19 social services to stay safe during the pandemic.

Ensuring safety and human rights of people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in 6 residential institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic

September 2020 – March 2021

Funded by European Union

The goal of the project is to ensure the right to health of 1,700 people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities from 6 residential institutions during COVID-19 by increasing access to information and protective equipment. The project has three objectives: increase access to protective equipment for people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and staff from 6 residential institutions; increase knowledge and strategies for the prevention of COVID-19; decrease cases of abuse and neglect in institutions.

Support for the procurement of individual protective equipment for civil society organizations’ staff

August – October 2020

Funded by Soros Foundation-Moldova

The goal of the project is the procurement of individual protective equipment for civil society organizations ‘staff, in order to continue social services provision to the vulnerable persons during COVID pandemic. Within the project will be purchased: hand sanitizer, medical masks and gloves for 53 CSOs from Republic of Moldova.

Empowering young people to create an inclusive environment in school and community

July – November 2020

Funded by Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Republic of Moldova

The goal of the project is to involve young people in reducing oppression through non-formal education activities. The project has three objectives: increasing the level of information about oppression to young people, teachers, and parents from rayons Fălești and Ștefan Vodă (especially on bullying and discrimination); promoting non-formal education and building an inclusive attitude in eight educational institutions; raising accountability of young people, parents, and teachers toward oppression in their communities (bullying and discrimination).

Gender Budget Watchdog Network in the Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova

August 2019 – July 2022

Funded by Austrian Development Agency

The project’s goal is enhancing gender equality on national and local levels thanks to the strengthened capacity of civil society organizations in using Gender Responsive Budget tools in their work, and networking and mobilization of citizens for advocacy. The project has three objectives: strengthened capacities of CSOs to use GRB tools to evaluate the conformity correspondence of policies and budgets with the needs of men and women; a network for effective policy advocacy, knowledge and information sharing and strengthened government accountability is established; citizens are engaged and contribute to policy change leading to gendered reform of public finances.

Self-advocacy 2.0

January 2019 – December 2021

Funded by IM Swedish Development Partner

This project aims for people with disabilities and their families to participate in society as self-advocates and advocates and contribute to better outcomes for their lives. The project has three objectives: expanding and strengthening the national informal network of self-advocates in exercising their right to participate in society as full and equal citizens; developing a parents’’ informal network through empowerment and leadership; Keystone Moldova providing quality services to people with disabilities and their families and promoting social inclusion of people with disabilities, according to the organization’s strategy.

Civil Society Voice for Inclusion

November 2019 – October 2021

Funded by European UnionKonrad Adenauer Stiftung

The project goal is to strengthen the role of civil society within 6 regions from Moldova through creating a unique voice in promotion of social inclusion of persons with disabilities. The project has 4 objectives: capacity building of CSOs and LPAs to ensure social inclusion of persons with disabilities; facilitating the dialogue between the CSOs and LPAs through transfer of knowledge and best practices from the regions that have experience in developing public – private partnership for ensuring social inclusion; developing a network of CSOs through supporting actions that promote the rights of persons with disabilities and joining the Alliance of Organizations for People with Disabilities from Republic of Moldova; ensuring organizational development of Keystone Moldova, local CSOs and LPA through staff training in the domain of the mechanism of contracting social services.

Better social services through a sustainable partnership between civil society and the government

February 2018 – January 2021

Funded by European UnionSoros Foundation – Moldova

To develop sustainable community services for people with disabilities, Keystone Moldova is building a partnership between civil society organizations (CSOs) and the government. To advance the social inclusion of people with mental disabilities and vulnerable children, Keystone Moldova is empowering CSOs to promote and implement innovative solutions with local public authorities.

With support from Keystone Moldova, 60 CSOs are increasing their capacity to develop and implement innovative social services based on the individual needs of people with mental disabilities and vulnerable children. Keystone Moldova is also offering technical and financial support for up to 30 CSO projects that focus on developing innovative social services in partnership with local public authorities.

Community for All – Moldova

September 2008 – present

Funded by Open Society Mental Health Initiative (MHI) and Soros Foundation – Moldova

In partnership with global, regional, and local organizations and authorities, Keystone Moldova is initiating a transformation of Moldova’s system of care for individuals with disabilities by creating a community-based system of services and supports. Community for All seeks to build an enriched environment where all people are united in a common spirit celebrating each person’s unique abilities.

Involving young people in cultural activities, in order to achieve social inclusion

June – September 2019

Funded by Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Republic of Moldova

The project goal is to achieve social inclusion through promotion of regional culture and cultural involvement of young people. The project has two objectives: to promote non-formal artistic education and change of experience at local level, including among persons from vulnerable groups; to promote youth involvement in cultural actions, with a positive impact on the quality of life of persons from vulnerable groups.

Informed and assumed Vote

December 2018 – April 2019

Funded by USAIDA.O. Promo – LEX

The goal of the project is that people with disabilities from the Republic of Moldova participate in the parliamentary elections of 24 February 2019. The project has two objectives: at least 2000 people with disabilities and 400 support persons involved in information and electoral education during the project implementation period; the general population of the Republic of Moldova sensitized about the electoral participation of people with disabilities.

Advancing and monitoring the rights of people with mental disabilities in neuro-psychiatric residential institutions

April 2016 – April 2019

Funded by European Union(external website)

The project goal is to empower people in neuro-psychiatric residential institutions and local CSOs to defend and monitor the rights of people with mental disabilities in Moldova.

People with mental disabilities are becoming self-advocates and gaining a greater awareness of their rights. In addition, CSOs are building their capacity to enhance and monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in neuro-psychiatric residential institutions. These activities lessen and prevent discrimination against people with mental disabilities who live in neuro-psychiatric residential institutions, and promote community for all people. 

Social services for persons with disabilities to increase the trust between both banks of the Nistru river

November 2016 – March 2019

Funded by European Union(external website) and IM Swedish Development Partner(external website)

Through the development of a social protection system for people with disabilities, this project aims to increase trust between both banks of the Nistru River and TAU Găgăuzia.

Community-based organizations from both banks of the Nistru River and TAU Găgăuzia support the rights of people with disabilities to live in the community. By developing mobile teams and a day center, the delivery of social services for children with disabilities and their families from five districts on both banks of the Nistru River will be improved. In addition, to address the stigma and discrimination of people with disabilities, Keystone Moldova is using the Social Theater Forum and providing training to journalists from both banks.

Qualitative social services for social inclusion of all vulnerable people

April – December 2017

Funded by Soros Foundation-Moldova

To reform the system of social services, Keystone Moldova supported public authorities to promote the rights of persons with disabilities to live in the community and access alternative social services. In addition to supporting public authorities to reform deinstitutionalization practices, Keystone Moldova supported the central government to develop policies for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), and increased the transparency and responsibility of local public authorities for budgeting social services.

Strengthening and disseminating the inclusive education model for preschool children in Moldova

February 2017 – June 2018

Funded by Open Society Foundations/ Early Childhood Program

Keystone Moldova worked to strengthen and introduce the inclusive education model in kindergartens and primary schools. This child-centered approach eases children’s transition to school and optimizes competent collaboration between relevant educational services and other community resources.

Support of inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities into society in Moldova

May – November 2017

Funded by People in Need

This project aims to increase the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in Moldova.

Keystone Moldova provided consultation to develop four Supported Living Services for people with mental disabilities from Balti, Badiceni, Brinzeni, and Cocieri.

Participation through advocacy and self-advocacy

2014 – 2017

Funded by IM Swedish Development Partner

Advocacy plays a powerful role in ensuring inclusive participation in society for people with disabilities. Through this project, people with disabilities have been empowered to become self-advocates. Organizations and groups of parents have also been encouraged to advocate for and with people with disabilities.

The project had three major areas of activity:

  • Developing a national network of self-advocacy (persons with disabilities);
  • Developing a national platform of organizations and groups of parents;
  • Support CSOs active in the field of disability in promoting the rights of people with disabilities locally and nationally.

Community for all of Moldova – Bridge Funding During the Global Economic Crisis

October 2010 – present

Funded by the Soros Foundation – Moldova

The Community for All-Moldova program is developing community-based services and supports for children with disabilities who have been institutionalized or who are at risk of institutionalization. Since its inception, the strong commitments of the local and national government to partner in this program have made it possible to develop high quality services for children with disabilities. With bridge funding from the Soros Foundation-Moldova, Keystone Moldova is ensuring the sustainability and expansion of the Community for All-Moldova achievements through economically difficult times. Not only will existing community-based services be preserved, but the development of new planned services will continue and 200-225 new jobs will be created.

Institutional consultancy to Keystone Institute India on preparing and facilitating the workshop: “Valued Lives: An Invitational Course on Social Role Valorization” for India CSOs, service providers and authorities

August 2016 – December 2017

Funded by The Hans Foundation / Keystone Human Services International

Project aimes to provide institutional consultancy to Keystone Institute India on delivering the training on social role valorization and facilitate the follow up meetings for Indian CSOs, service providers and authorities.

Collaboration at the local level for social inclusion of persons with disabilities in Anenii-Noi and Ialoveni Districts

2015 – 2017

Funded by USA Agency for International Development (USAID) within „Partnerships for a Sustainable Civil Society in Moldova” Project FHI360

The Project aims to ensure participation of persons with disabilities and civil society in the development of public policy for people with disabilities. Throughout the Project the local Strategies on social inclusion of people with disabilities are participatory developed in Anenii Noi and Ialoveni Districts. Keystone Moldova develops capacity building of CSOs and LPA from Ialoveni and Anenii Noi in implementing local strategy activities on social inclusion of people with disabilities.

Institutional consultancy on developing the analysis on supported employment of persons with disabilities and methodological guide for implementation the supported employment by state and non-state entities

July 1 – September 30, 2016

Contracting organization: Association Motivation – Moldova within the project financed by “IM Swedish Development Partner”.

Projects goal is to conduct an in-depth mapping and analysis of the state and non-state organizations’ experiences on employment of persons with disabilities related to supported employment methodology promoted by EU. Based on the results of the study, the Methodological Guide for implementation of the supported employment methodology was developed and discussed with key stakeholders.

Reducing the Burden of non-communicable (NCD) diseases in Moldova. Institutional consultancy on mapping of multisectoral interventions in health at community level (with a focus on NCDs)

November 10, 2015 – January 31, 2016

Funded by SwissTPH (SDC)(external website)

Project Goal is to conduct an in-depth mapping and analysis of the role of various sectors (social services, education, NGOs/CBOs etc.) in health care and health promotion at community level in Moldova, particularly related to NCDs. This exercise provided an overview on the current (or recently past) experience in community health promotion in Moldova, their strengths, they weaknesses, the challenges faced, the good practices. The idea is to have the state-of-the art information on community health promotion, so that the project interventions can draw from the experience.

Institutional consultancy on supporting of transformation process of care for people with mental disorders and people with learning difficulties in Moldova

October, 2015 – December, 2016

Funded by Centre for Mental Health Care Development/ Czech Development Agency

Project aims to support the transformation process of care for people with mental disorders and people with learning difficulties in Moldova.

The project objectives are: evaluation of three psycho-neurological institutions; consultancy to carry out the analysis of care reform transformation with regards to the local situation; consultation of the Transformation plans of Balti, Brinzeni, Cocieri and Badiceni institutions; training of stakeholders in the process of deinstitutionalization.

Storytelling as a Tool to Combat Discrimination

February 1, 2015 – April 30, 2015

Funded by Soros Foundation Moldova

Project goal is to reduce discrimination and promoting equality through promotion of personal stories.

The projects objectives are: to support organizations involved in promoting the rights of discriminated groups to expand their support by using storytelling; to empower NGOs to use personal stories of beneficiaries for advocacy purposes.

Sustainable social services for persons with intellectual disabilities in the context of decentralization of public finances

October 2015 – December 2016

Funded by Soros Foundation – Moldova(external website)

Project goal is to ensure the sustainability of services and reforms started in the field of deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities.

Project objectives are: support the local public authorities (LPA) from 12 rayons in the process of continuing the reform of deinstitutionalization and ensuring the quality of social services developed within the Community for All – Moldova Program; support to the Government of the Republic of Moldova in development of the National Program on social inclusion of persons with disabilities (2017-2022).

Piloting inclusive education models for preschool children in Moldova

January 2015 – December 2016

Funded by Open Society Foundations/Early Childhood Program

The Project lies in complex and multidimensional approaching of the issue of inclusion of children with special educational needs, by mobilizing and empowering relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the Inclusive Education Development Program in Moldova for 2011-2020. The project focuses on ensuring the access of children with special educational needs in pre-school institutions.

The target group of the Project is formed of 15 pre-school educational institutions from 14 communities of the Republic of Moldova.

Institutional consultancy on supporting the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Health and Social Development in strategic and evidence-based planning (roadmap) of developing integrated family oriented social and health services for children under three and children with disabilities of pre-school age within the transformed care system

December 2014 – December 2015

Funded by UNICEF Kazakhstan

Project goal is to support the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the development of the national strategic and evidence-based roadmap for the development of the community-based services for children of 0-7 age in risk of being abandoned or without parental care, based on the tested approach in selected regions.

The target group of the Project is formed of 15 pre-school educational institutions from 14 communities of the Republic of Moldova.

Media and communication for an inclusive society

June 2014 – December 2015

Funded by Open Society Foundation / Health Media Initiative and Soros-Moldova Foundation

The Project goal is to develop an inclusive community environment through media advocacy activities. The Project objectives are: Adults with disabilities know their rights and fight for them, through the media means too; Community services for people with disabilities are promoted both in the society and media; People with disabilities are able to speak for themselves and can undertake advocacy activities. Through its activities, the project aims to raise community awareness and increase the knowledge of persons with disabilities.

Access of persons with disabilities to election

July 2014 – February 2015

Funded by East European Foundation

The Project aims to ensure access for all persons with disabilities in political life and electoral processes. In this context the project objectives include: providing support to the Central Electoral Commission to develop and promote the Regulation on the access of persons with disabilities to electoral processes; informing and sensitizing political parties on the issues of persons with disabilities and mobilization of the parties in problems solving; informing the media about communication with people with disabilities and approaching disability in valorization way.

Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and/or Their Families Through Selling Hand-Made Bags and Handbags for Women from Recyclable Materials

December 2013 – October 2015

Funded by East Europe Foundation

The project consists of providing support to people with disabilities and their families, in order to reduce poverty, improve quality of life, and increase their social inclusion. In this context, Keystone Moldova supports the employment of people with intellectual disabilities and supports people in income-generating activities at home or within social services (Supported Living and Community Home).

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