
Civil Society Organizations Acting for Better Social Services

Civil Society Organizations Acting for Better Social Services

April 2021 – March 2024

Amount granted:
359, 280 EURO
European Union, co-funded by Soros Moldova Foundation
Soros Moldova Foundation, Institutum Virtutes Civilis

Project goal:
To empower civil society organizations (CSOs) from the social field to become strong pillars in social policy dialogue and inclusive community building for vulnerable groups.

Project objectives:

  • To increase the capacities of at least 40 CSOs from the social field to design and implement responsive and resilient social services for vulnerable groups;
  • To build an enabling environment for ensuring the financial sustainability of CSOs from the social field, with special focus on social services contracted from public funds and facilitate policy dialog;
  • To strengthen the civil society’s role in building inclusive communities.

Directions of activity:

  1. Providing methodological support and assistance for at least 40 CSOs which, in partnership with local public authorities, will develop / extend / improve social services for vulnerable groups;
  2. Offering support and expertise for the development of the regulatory framework in social services’ contracting through a participatory policy development process that will bring together stakeholders of all levels, including CSOs, academia, and social services providers. Development and piloting of a costing methodology of social services and the Guidance for contracting social services;
  3. Increasing visibility of the CSOs and their work in the social sector; improving the image of CSOs, and make CSOs more financially viable by determining authorities to contract CSOs as social services providers.