
Gender Budget Watchdog Network in the Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova

Gender Budget Watchdog Network in the Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova

August 2019 – July 2022

Amount granted
55,309.50 EUR
Austrian Development Agency
Centre for Research and Policy Making (Macedonia) – lead partner, Gender Alliance for Development Centre (Albania), Kosova Women’s Network (Kosovo), Women Action (Montenegro), Gender Knowledge Hub (Serbia), Centre for Civil Society Promotion (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Project goal
Enhancing gender equality on national and local levels thanks to strengthened capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) in using Gender Responsive Budget (GRB) tools in their work, and networking and mobilization of citizens for in advocacy.
Project objectives
  1. Strengthened capacities of CSOs to use GRB tools to evaluate the conformity correspondence of policies and budgets with the needs of men and women;
  2. A network for effective policy advocacy, knowledge and information sharing and strengthened government accountability is established;
  3. Citizens are engaged and contribute to policy change leading to gendered reform of public finances.
Main activities
  1. Capacity building activities for CSOs and knowledge sharing in GRB, on the job mentoring / coaching;
  2. Drafting watchdog reports;
  3. Developing advocacy plans and networking at local, national and international level;
  4. Awareness raising.