
Informed and assumed Vote

Informed and assumed Vote

December 2018 – April 2019

Amount granted
USD 21,809.00
USAID, A.O. Promo – LEX
Project goal
People with disabilities from the Republic of Moldova participate in the parliamentary elections of 24 February 2019.
Project objectives
  1. At least 2000 people with disabilities and 400 support persons involved in information and electoral education during the project implementation period.
  2. The general population of the Republic of Moldova sensitized about the electoral participation of people with disabilities.
Main activities
  1. Training of trainers in political rights of persons with disabilities in the frame of the 2019 Parliamentary Elections (one ToT);
  2. 80 Information sessions for people with disabilities, their family members and support persons about the political rights (in particular the right to vote) and how to enforce them (50 sessions in communities, 30 sessions in residential institutions);
  3. Developing media materials (on the enforcement of the right of people with disabilities to vote, challenges etc.) and disseminating them through various media channels, including social media.
  4. Press conference to present the Project results.
Expected results
  1. 2000 people with different types of disabilities (community and residential institutions) informed about the political rights of persons with disabilities (the right to vote in particular), and the ways of its enforcement in the framework of 2019 Parliamentary Elections
  2. 400 support people (employees of residential institutions, employees of community social services for people with disabilities, parents and / or carers of persons with disabilities) informed about the political rights of persons with disabilities and the ways in which they would could assist people with disabilities in exercising their rights;
  3. At least 10 media materials disseminated, including through the social media.
  4. Increased level of participation of persons with disabilities during the 2019 Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Moldova;
  5. Increased level informed voting decisions expressed by people with disabilities in communities and residential institutions;
  6. The low level of influence of voting decisions in residential institutions, but also in communities by relatives of persons with disabilities;
  7. Increased awareness of how to report potential violations of the right to vote of people with disabilities in the 2019 parliamentary elections.
Final report
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