
Institutional consultancy on developing the analysis on supported employment of persons with disabilities and methodological guide for implementation the supported employment by state and non-state entities

Institutional consultancy on developing the analysis on supported employment of persons with disabilities and methodological guide for implementation the supported employment by state and non-state entities

July 1 – September 30, 2016

Amount granted
$ 2 528
Contracting organization
Association Motivation – Moldova within the project financed by “IM Swedish Development Partner”.
Project goal
to conduct an in-depth mapping and analysis of the state and non-state organizations’ experiences on employment of persons with disabilities related to supported employment methodology promoted by EU. Based on the results of the study, the Methodological Guide for implementation of the supported employment methodology was developed and discussed with key stakeholders.
  1. The study on best experiences on employment of persons with disabilities related to supported employment concept promoted by EU;
  2. The Methodological Guide for implementation the supported employment of persons with disabilities.