
Partnerships for Inclusive and Resilient Social Canteen Services

Partnerships for Inclusive and Resilient Social Canteen Services

January 2022 – December 2024

1.327.609 EUR
The project is funded by the European Union and is co-funded by Keystone Moldova, the Public Association “Concordia. Proiecte Sociale” and the Religious Institution Social Mission “Diaconia”
Public Association “Concordia. Proiecte Sociale , Religious Institution Social Mission “Diaconia”

General Objectives:
To improve the quality of social canteen services in the Republic of Moldova in order to ensure their sustainability and to increase access to the services for people from vulnerable groups.

Specific objectives:

  • To improve the regulatory framework and financial mechanism for social canteens services through food surplus donation and redistribution and policy dialogue between civil society, public authorities and food suppliers.
  • To increase the capacities of social canteen service providers to deliver quality, sustainable services, including in an emergency, through food waste prevention and intersectoral cooperation.
  • To set up and promote a chain of food surplus donation and distribution to support social canteen services for vulnerable groups through a communication campaign for behavior change.


  • Carrying out three studies: situational analysis of social canteen services provision in the Republic of Moldova, best practices and innovative models in European countries and study on food waste in Moldova.
  • Providing support to the government for the improvement of the draft law on the prevention of food loss and waste.
  • Conducting two advocacy campaigns for the creation of a legal framework favorable to an efficient operation of social canteen services and the mechanism for donation and redistribution of food surplus through cross-sectoral cooperation.
  • Developing innovative models of social canteen services developed on the basis of good national and European practices and agreements with policymakers.
  • Improving the infrastructure and logistics of at least five social canteen services provided by the Public Association “Concordia. Social Projects.”
  • Developing a training program and guidelines for social canteen service providers and their staff.
  • Creating an online platform for the Food Bank to promote the intersectoral collaboration between food suppliers and canteen service providers and other social services across the country.
  • Strengthening the capacity of the Food Bank as a mechanism for donating and redistributing food to canteen services and other social service providers in support of vulnerable groups.
  • Conducting a national communication campaign to change food donation behavior and to promote support to vulnerable groups through social cohesion.