
Qualitative social services for social inclusion of all people

Qualitative social services for social inclusion of all people

April – December 2017

Amount granted
$ 60,015
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Project goal
Social accountability of public authorities in promoting the rights of persons with mental disabilities to live in the community and access alternative social services.
Project objectives
  • Support public authorities on deinstitutionalization reform;
  • Support the central government to develop policies for UNCRPD implementation;
  • Increase the transparency and responsibility of local public authorities in the process of budgeting for social services.
Expected results
  1. The local authorities are more accountable toward deinstitutionalization and social inclusion of people with mental disabilities;
  2. The National Program on Deinstitutionalization and Action Plan developed;
  3. The public authorities from 12 districts are using participatory budgeting tools based on results of social community based services.