
Economic Empowerment and Labor Inclusion

Employment of people with mental health – Victor’s story

“I am an employee, just like everyone else.”

Employment of people with mental health – Grigore’s story

“Grigore is an invaluable part of the team.”

Employment of people with mental health – Eugen’s story

“I like being helpful and assisting.”

Employment of people with mental health

“Confidence is key to employment.”

Employment of people with mental health – Alena’s story

“My job is to listen to people and support them.”

Career guidance for people with disabilities (general education)

“Career guidance is important for people with disabilities so that we can choose our profession based on our abilities.”

Career guidance for people with disabilities (post-secondary education)

“Career guidance it is a path of professional development throughout life. For me, career guidance is a self-knowledge, rather, of skills, abilities.”

Employment of people with disabilities

“Eduard Turcu got employed at the Communal Household in 2014. As an employee, he is very responsible, and fulfills all the instructions given to him.”

Career guidance

Career guidance is an employment service, intended for people looking for a job, unemployed persons, including people with disabilities. This service is provided with the purpose of identifying educational and professional opportunities.

I can work!

Eduard is employed. He likes very much to work and with the earned money he buys necessary things for his house.

Work inclusion

Keystone Moldova promotes work inclusion of persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities can and want to work!

I like to work!

“Even if I have a disability, do not try to change me. Help me to evolve!”

EcoVox – social entrepreneurship activity

“I have a disability but I’m not broken. Support me and you’ll find out my abilities.”