
Life in the community

Fyodor’s life in community

Fiodor lived in a temporary placement service for people with disabilities in Orhei until he was 33. In 2013, Keystone Moldova helped Fiodor to leave the institution and start a new life in the shared living service.

Marin’s life in community

Marin lived in various residential institutions from birth until the age of 18. In 2014, Keystone Moldova helped Marin to leave the residential institution for a Supported Living Service in Falesti. Since 2018, Marin has been living in his own home.

Mihai’s life in community

Mihai lived in various residential institutions from birth until 2017. In 2017, Keystone Moldova helped Mihai to leave the residential institution and start a new independent life in his own home.

Hotline support service for persons with disabilities

Are you a person with disabilities and want to be informed about Coronavirus and protection measures?

Call the hotline support Service for people with disabilities – 0 8001 0808.

Better social service

 The project “Better Social services through a sustainable partnership between the civil society and the government,” is financed by the European Union, co-financed and implemented by Soros Moldova Foundation in partnership with Keystone Moldova, APSCF, and AOPD.

Supported living Lăpușna

“They have learned many things, they do very well, are accepted in the community. They earned peoples trust and respect.”

Ion and Mihai are two young people who left a residential institution and are living now in Lăpușna village, Hâncești district (Moldova), in a Supported living service.

Shared Living Service

Shared Living serves adults with mental disabilities.

I like to live in the family

“Disability does not make me sadder than others. I have the same sorrows and joys like you!”

At home is better than at the institution!

“I have a disability, but I love life. Don’t admire me, respect me!”

I Have a Family

Mihai has spent more than 20 years in residential institutions. Now he has a family, neighbors, and a community.

Learning to be Independent

Mariana Rotari treats her son Andrei as a healthy child. She doesn’t see any difference.

I Want All Boys at the Institution to Live with a Family

Fiodor spent 19 years in the boarding house for children (boys) with mental disabilities in Orhei. Now he lives with a family.

Happy to have a family

Sergiu has lived in a residential institution. He doesn’t like to remember about that time. Now he lives in Foster Service.

Returning home

“We are also people. We are not different from others”, says Stas, who lived some years in an institution, away form his family.

Mobile Team

Mobile Team is a social service for persons with disabilities. This film was developed within the Project „Public-Private Partnership for the Sustainable Development of Locally Governed Disability Services: Supporting Decentralization Reform”, implemented by Keystone Moldova, with the support of the European Union.

I want a better life for my children

This video is about Donos family with a child with mental disability which started a business idea in order to generate sustainable income for themselves.