
Development of protection mechanisms in urban and rural areas in the Republic of Moldova

Development of protection mechanisms in urban and rural areas in the Republic of Moldova

November 2022 – April 2023


  • 300 individuals – Ukrainian refugees and Moldovan vulnerable individuals (including persons with disabilities, chronic diseases, mental illness, elderly, vulnerable mothers, and their children, etc.);
  • 150 families – vulnerable Moldovan families especially those hosting refugees and Ukrainian refugee families accommodated in the Northern Region of Moldova, both rural and urban areas.

Budget: 237,604.20 Euro

Donors: Association for Aid and Relief Japan

Project goal: To provide access to basic needs and healthcare support for Ukrainian refugees from vulnerable groups as well as to vulnerable Moldovan host families, both located in the Northern Region of the country.

Main activities:

  1. Identification of beneficiaries from the localities envisaged in the project and identifying their needs;
  2. Referral to internal and external services to access material support;
  3. Provision of support based on the beneficiaries’ needs: hygiene packages, medical investigations fee, medical consultations fee, assistive devices, medical equipment.
  4. Providing specialized medical support: investigations, medicines, medical equipment, assistive devices;
  5. Providing heating material during cold months.
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