
Emergency Mobile Team South

Emergency Mobile Team South

December 2022 – August 2023

Beneficiaries: about 1,000 people – Ukrainian refugees, members of local host families and local vulnerable groups

Budget: 5,824,628 MDL

The main objective is to establish and run a mobile team in the Southern region and operating in the adjacent rayons, including ATU Gagauzia. The project will contribute to decent life conditions for Ukrainian refugees, local host families, and vulnerable groups through support to cover short-term winterization needs, as well as medium to longer term social integration and protection needs: household, medical, and psycho-social inclusion.

The proposed concept is based on the experience of the organization in providing assistance through a professional mobile team, supported by a non-stop hotline service.


  1. Addressing household needs during the upcoming cold season of refugees and host families and local vulnerable groups of population.
  2. Addressing medical needs of refugees and host families and local vulnerable groups of population.
  3. Addressing psycho-social needs of refugees and host families and local vulnerable groups of population.

Main activities:

  1. Needs assessment and data analysis;
  2. Distribution of: heating materials/winterization items; vouchers for clothing items, hygiene products, and food items;
  3. Provision of medical consultations, investigations, and rehabilitation services;
  4. Provision of psychological consultations;
  5. Provision of access to employment opportunities.