
Mobile team that offers emergency support to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova Hotline support for persons with disabilities (extended to refugees from Ukraine). 

Mobile team that offers emergency support to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova
Hotline support for persons with disabilities (extended to refugees from Ukraine).

March 2022 – February 2023

Donors: Keystone Human Services, Catholic Relief Services, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, East Europe Foundation through the funds of Oak Foundation, Mutualité Française, Girona Support – Fundació Tutelar de les Comarques Gironines.

Budget: 316.311,00 Euro

Beneficiaries: Refugees with disabilities and their family members, elderly people, people with chronic diseases, families with many children.

Project goal: Provision of a 24/7 hotline service for refugees with disabilities and their family members, elderly people, people from vulnerable groups.

The hotline service is complemented by a mobile team focused on providing direct support to refugees with disabilities and chronic diseases throughout the country.

Main activities:

  • Providing a 24/7 hotline support service to refugees from Ukraine.
  • Providing information support accessible to people with different types of disability.
  • Connecting refugees with different types of services that provide refugee support.
  • Mapping refugees with disabilities and assessing their basic needs.
  • Delivering immediate basic and individualized support within the available budget, through the specialized mobile team.
  • Coordinating the support with partners and authorities both at national as well as regional level, referring cases to different social services and organizations.

Types of support offered:

  1. Direct support – nutrition packages, vouchers for food products, hygiene packages, vouchers for clothing items, textiles (blankets, duvets, pillows), toys and educational materials for children, specialized electric devices, support to identify housing opportunities.
  2. Medical assistance – medicines, medical consultation by the Keystone doctor, assistive devices, medical equipment, external medical services, rehabilitation services.