
What We Do

Promoting Inclusion Throughout Moldova

Keystone Moldova supports central and local public authorities to improve the regulatory framework and legislation for the social protection of people with disabilities, with the goal of successfully implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and social inclusion.

Keystone Moldova also cooperates with central and local authorities in supporting people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities to leave institutions and move into the community. Keystone Moldova works to develop community-based social care services for people with disabilities, such as Community Homes, Supported Living, Shared Living, Foster Care, Mobile Teams, and Respite Services.

Keystone Moldova promotes and supports the social inclusion of people living in difficult social situations, as well as those with disabilities, in mainstream community-based social services, including in educational settings. Keystone Moldova’s Inclusive Education Methodology, approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research of the Republic of Moldova in kindergartens and schools, provides assistance to children with special educational needs based on their actual needs.

As people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities leave residential institutions, Keystone Moldova provides direct assistance to ensure their inclusion into biological or extended families and the community. Keystone Moldova also supports people with disabilities and their families to prevent them from entering institutions in the first place. People with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and their family members receive various types of assistance, such as social, medical, psychological, legal, behavioral, or other support, depending on their needs as determined by the person centered planning process.

Keystone Moldova is increasing the capacities of representatives of central and local public authorities, non-governmental organizations, service providers, people with disabilities and their families, and Keystone Moldova staff, in accordance with training needs for ensuring the social inclusion of people with disabilities. Keystone Moldova is developing and providing trainings in different areas.

To address the discrimination of people living in difficult social situations and people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, Keystone Moldova supports individuals and families to become self-advocates and advocates and helps them become involved in local and national advocacy activities. Keystone Moldova also employs different efficient communication activities, such as the Forum Theater, self-documentation, Storytelling, PhotoVoice, and other similar techniques.

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Values that Guide Our Work

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